Moore's Law foresaw the evolution of computing, which in turn, created accessibility for the many. But with accessibility comes choice. And with choice fragmentation. As information multiplies we need to explore alternative ways of staying on top of what truly matters.
It’s not easy sticking a label on Jeremy Tai Abbett. Born in Vietnam and raised in Minnesota and Texas, Jeremy is more American than Vietnamese but decides to reside in Germany. Jeremy's higher education has landed him in such diverse places such as Wisconsin, Germany, and Italy. It was in Italy that his focus moved away from the screen and into physical computing working with Casey Reas (processing) and Masimo Banzai (ardunio) among others. In 1996 he co-founded Fork Unstable Media in Hamburg and in 2001 co-founded Truth Dare Double Dare in New York City. Jeremy makes his living consulting for brands and balances this by collaborating with academic institutions in developing projects that lie at the intersection of art and science. And time permitting, he occasionally laces up his skates for a game of ice-hockey.
More information: ::: Presentation Transcript: The New Scarcity :::
Postproduction: Multimedia Kontor Hamburg
Raum Schiff Erde
Unter dem Titel „Raum Schiff Erde“ findet seit 2010 jährlich eine Hamburger Un-Konferenz für Digitales, Interaction-Design und Internet statt. Das Themenspektrum der Vorträge reichte dabei von digitaler Fingerkunst, der möglichen und unmöglichen Selbstdarstellung von Musikern in sozialen Netzwerken, über neue Ansätze des Internet-basierten Fernsehens (IPTV), bis hin zu Beispielen spielerischen Verhaltens von Menschen in Städten sowie ökonomischen und ökologischen Betrachtungen über unseren Planeten im digitalen Zeitalter.
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