Business Ethics - Tasks of a moral economic policy today (Part 4.2)

a.) Possibilities of multinational corporations - environmental policy and
economic policy in the 21st century

b.) The problem of development - what are "developing countries?" - asynchrony - responsibilities of the
more developed countries for the less developed ones - concrete criteria for developmental aid

(03.06.2007 / Part 4.2)

The lecture of Prof. Dr. Vittorio Hösle took place within the scope of a 4-day course of lectures which was taped from the 31st May to the 03rd June at the Northern Institute of Technology.

Business Ethics

Northern Institute of Technology
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The Northern Institute of Technology is located in Hamburg, Germany's second largest city. Hamburg is also called "The gate to the world". And that's exactly what NIT offers: And ambitious Master Program that opens a door to global companies, to leadership positions, and thus to world of groundbreaking opportunities.

In two years, students earn an MBA in Technology Management of NIT and a Master of Science of its partner

Hamburg University of Technology TUHH). The Technology Management Program combines one out of twelve different TUHH Master of Science courses in Engineering with the NIT MBA Program in Law & Management. In addition to a profound engineering and management knowledge, Management Soft Skills, and an internship with one of our international sponsors, are also part of the education at the NIT.

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